Pride Films and Plays

THE TIMES ARE NIGHTFALL is a "micro-opera" by composer Ross Crean and librettist Aiden K. Feltkamp, with Chloe Schaff. Presented at Pride Film & Plays in Chicago, as part of "Ross Crean Presents: A Queer Engagement," also including a cabaret of art song by queer composers.
In this sequel to DON GIOVANNI, Donna Anna and Donna Elvira respond to the demise of Don Giovanni. The 1950’s pulp-style drama explores rape culture, trauma and grief through the lens of two women who find solace in the most unexpected place: one another.

Marysa Abbas as Donna Anna

Marysa Abbas as Donna Anna

Donna Elvira Sarah Thompson Johansen
Donna Anna Marysa Abbas
Music Direction Cody Michael Bradley
Costumes Sarah Thompson Johansen
Lighting Eric Watkins